1. What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file consisting of letters and files and is charged on your computer so that you can access certain web sites. In general, cookies allow a website to recognize the computer's users.
The most important thing is to know about the cookies that our plaçons are that serve to enhance the conviviality of our website, for example in remembering the preferences of the site and the linguistic parameters.
2. Pourquoi utilisons-nous des cookies?
We can use cookies and other similar technologies for a certain purpose, for example: i) for security or protection against fraud, etc. to identify and prevent cyber-attacks, ii) pour vous fournir le service que vous avez choisi de recevoir de notre part, iii) pour contrôler et analyzer les performances, le fonctionnement et l'efficacité de nore service et iv) d'améliorer votre expérience utilisateur.
3. Tableau des cookies:
In this section, you must mention the cookies that you use on your site. For more information, click here .
4. You choix:
Pour en savoir plus sur les cookies, notamment sur la manière de veir quels cookies ont été définis et de comprendre comment les gérer, les pprimer ou blocking them, visitez https://aboutcookies.org/ ou https://www.allaboutcookies. org/fr/ .
It is also possible to begin your navigation and accept cookies by modifying the parameters concerned in your navigation. You can generally find these parameters in the menu « Options » or « Préférences » of your navigation.
Please note that the suppression of our cookies or the deactivation of future cookies or technologies of yours will force you to access certain zones or functions of our services, or will also affect negatively your experience of use.
The links below may be useful, or you can use the “ Aide ” option for your navigation.
To refuse and insist that you are using Google Analytics on all web sites, consult the following instructions: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr .
Il se peut que nous modifiions cette politique en matière de cookies. We encourage you to consult the regulations on this page to obtain the latest information on cookies.